Tuesday, August 16, 2011


                   People say that winning is not everything, but for us it is. Why we must say so? It is because with the winning money -  RM5000 – we get to help the country, thus create a better environment for our future generation.
                    Basically, the money will be divided into four parts; for solar research, education, investments and lastly, charity. When it comes to solar research, the money would be given to our school in order to start on the development of the solar industry in our school and also other renewable sources of energy so that we won’t be depending too much on just electricity and hydroelectric energy.
                    As solar energy is one of the alternative for renewable sources of energy, by helping the raging development of this field, it would also boost on the research and development to make better technologies. With the money, maybe we can make affordable solar panels so that the community can afford it, thus increasing more on the usage of solar energy.
                    In terms of education, the money can actually fund any activities involving solar energy. For instance, BP myScience Challenge can be funded by this money to make it more interesting and more exposed. We would rather give all of this money away for the sake of our grandchildren’s future. With the winning money too, we can educate the students on the absolute importance of conserving and preserving energy, as well as how renewable sources of energy – especially solar energy – benefits them now, in the future and so on. This can be a continuous process and we would love to see kids nowadays appreciating energy as it is and understanding how to overcome major issues such as how to solve problem concerning about energy.
                    Investing something for the better is one holistic idea if we get to have this RM5000. We prefer to invest on solar energy equipments, researches and many more. As long as it is about renewable sources of energy, then we will invest in it. Before investing it, we will make sure that the product we will be investing on is beneficial and really much of help for the people. Obviously, there’s no point of you investing on Malboro cigarettes when it does harm to the health of people. We will make sure that product is safe, affordable, useful and will be a product, not just some dream not becoming into reality.
                    Finally, the most good deed of all, donating for charity. In some countries, for example Africa, they are barely having electricity or any energy in their daily lives. This is because the government tends to focus more on tribal rivalry, war, inflation, defence and medication till they hardly have time to do research on renewable sources of energy. By donating the money to them, it can actually decrease the burden they are lifting. Indeed, helping someone is truly a very good deed especially when you help those who are really in need. We don’t want to see their future generation to suffer badly like how they are suffering right now. We want to see them living like us, have nutritious food and clean water and also, mountains of renewable sources of energy.
                    We really would like to see our dreams becoming true. Maybe RM5000 seems very little but we never know about the impact towards the people. We know the impact is big, especially our dreams – trust us. So pretty, pretty, pretty please, can we have the winning money?

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